
    Nicole Louise Model
    Nicole Louise
    Model | US
    Natasha Portier Model
    Natasha Portier
    Model | UA
    Ewa Paczkowska Model & Makeup Artist
    Ewa Paczkowska
    Model | UK
    Panagiwths Papastaurou Model
    Panagiwths Papastaurou
    Model | GR
    Andrei De La Puente Model
    Andrei De La Puente
    Model | MX
    Konstantino Michael Model
    Konstantino Michael
    Model | GR
    Natalia Barulich Model
    Natalia Barulich
    Model | US
    Eva Lilienthal Model
    Eva Lilienthal
    Model | DE
    Kia Hartelius Photographer
    Kia Hartelius
    Photographer | DK
    Ella Manor Photographer
    Ella Manor
    Photographer | IL
    Dimitris Arabatzakis Photographer
    Dimitris Arabatzakis
    Photographer | GR
    Arnold Henri Photographer
    Arnold Henri
    Photographer | BE
    Themos Kommatas Photographer
    Themos Kommatas
    Photographer | GR
    Dorte Kjaerulff Photographer
    Dorte Kjaerulff
    Photographer | DK
    Gene Oryx Photographer
    Gene Oryx
    Photographer | RU

    Modelisto is a free public directory featuring important international professionals such as models, photographers, makeup artists, stylists and agencies. Anyone can contribute by nominating professionals deemed significant in their country. The pages are edited according to quality guidelines and visitors can contact directly artists for fashion and advertising projects. Modelisto is building a catalogue with the “greatest modeling professionals in the world”, to be included register your name or create a wiki for your fashion team.

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